Thursday 18 April 2013

Soundtrack Ideas

The music above isn't too overwhelming and so won't take attention away from the scene which shall be going on to the music. Also, it sets a solemn, sad mood which could work as an advantage as it could engage the audience instantly but also could be a disadvantage as it may make the audience feel gloomy and put an instant downer on the film. 

However, the softness and slowness of the music is something we are looking for, the change in dynamics and pace could work effectively as we want the scene to feel like a climax up until the moment when Nancy is told the bad news which is that her husband is dead.

Although there is an element of sadness to this music, it seems more subtle than the piece above. This is good as it isn't too sad and seems to build up which sets a more light hearted tone on the piece and the music almost takes off into a world of its own as it goes on and builds up. Again, we like this idea of climax and build up within the music as it changes pitch and tempo as this can represent the rocky life which Nancy is about to go. The way the music comes back to a slower, softer pace and tone towards the end represents how Nancy's turbulent life works out in the end and she comes out on the other side. 

Often it seems like the music is beginning again and the dynamics representing change link back to change in Nancy's life and new beginnings.

Also this music is something I imagine a ballerina dancing to and Nancy's passion is dance within the film and the story line follows her mothers dance studio which she teachers at and eventually takes over so this piece of music can link back to that idea.

This piece of music seems very sad and almost slightly sinister in different places which may not have the effect on the audience which we want it too.

Although the music is a good piece which could link to the ideas of Nancy's passion, dance and her mother's dance studio, I think it may be too sad and old fashioned sounding, as it sounds slightly medieval in my opinion and we want the audience to feel like the film is more modern and contemporary.  

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