After discussing our individual logo ideas as a group we came up with an idea which consisted of different aspects from all our designs. As a group we came up with the production company name of 'Reel Creations' and decided to go with a monochrome scheme for our actual logo design. Our reasoning for this is because we believe that by following this colour our company will look more professional and as though our films are aimed at a more mature audience.
Our finalised decision on the name 'Reel Creations' was based on the audience research we carried out asking which production company name they believed to be best suited.
This is a member from my group, Lewis Broughton's design for the production label. As a group we think this looks effective as it is simple yet relevant. Therefore, I am going to play about with this design to form a separate logo which is very similar but is my own work.
From looking at the French company 'CHANEL' particularly after doing work experience with them, I noticed that they had an especially classy and elegant way about them and for that reason I thought that this was the type of look I wanted for my film company as CHANEL is seen as being desirable and I wanted this to be the look of my company.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Audience Research - Choosing a company name
As a group we were unsure which name was best for our production company and so I devised this quick questionnaire by which I asked one question to thirty people and then tallied the option which they picked. I chose the option with the most tallies and made sure I asked a diverse range of people so that the answer wasn't bias to one particular group of people.
The result showed me that 'Reel Creations' was the preferred name and so this shall be the name we will be using.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Logo Influences
Here I have put together my very own moodboard containing many diverse logos covering all industrys from fashion retail, to gaming, to food, to alcohol, I even had a ski resort logo on there and many more.
I noticed that a vast majority of the logos were singularly just text and also noticed that this seemed to be the case most often with clothing associated logos and make up. However, products which involved hair care, and drinks often had imagery to go with them. I believe this is perhaps as they are able to be linked to a fruit, plant or something which they can use as a foundation for a logo containing an imagine whereas make up, retail and marketing departments may prefer to use just text of a particular font style and colour as they want their product to seem classy and sophisticated.
What is a logo?
A logo is something which represents a company and may contain imagining, lettering, phrasing or something which the logo will commonly be recognised by. It often contains a symbol which links to the company or companies name and will usually contain the companies basic colour scheme.
What makes a logo effective?
To make a logo effective it needs to be fairly basic so it's recognisable and distinctive as I believe this looks more professional, it also needs to be appropriate for its purpose and company. Logos always seem more effective when they convey the companies identity in some way and are clever in the way their company name or purpose links to perhaps the font style, colour and imagining used. Below are some examples of companies which I believe are effective.
A logo is something which represents a company and may contain imagining, lettering, phrasing or something which the logo will commonly be recognised by. It often contains a symbol which links to the company or companies name and will usually contain the companies basic colour scheme.
What makes a logo effective?
To make a logo effective it needs to be fairly basic so it's recognisable and distinctive as I believe this looks more professional, it also needs to be appropriate for its purpose and company. Logos always seem more effective when they convey the companies identity in some way and are clever in the way their company name or purpose links to perhaps the font style, colour and imagining used. Below are some examples of companies which I believe are effective.
Film Research
Last Wednesday me and 3 of my friends went to see 'Safe Haven' a recent, romance film which had an element of mystery behind it. I thought this film would be useful as me and my group liked the idea of having something else going on within the romance to make it more appealing and compelling to watch. Also, the female protagonist in the film, Julianne Hough is an up and coming actress which is an option which received more votes than expected and certainly more votes than the option of 'Well known' actors when regarding my audience research survey.
The film is set in a small town in North Carolina and portrays a small, close, community which isn't dissimilar to 'The Last Song', another romance story which also shields a mystery and drama side. This made me curious as to whether it would be best for my film to be filmed in a more small, secluded, suburban community as oppose to a city which from my survey results was a more popular answer. However, I understand that I should have the target audiences preferences as my priority but also need to consider what would work best with my narrative and plot.
Within the film you see the character of Katie played by Julianne Hough live a secluded life from the rest of the community however, you see her get to know them and meet Alex, a widowed shop owner who takes a shining for Kate. This again shows similarities to our idea of a story as our main female character is going to be living fairly alone in a big house after the death of her husband and at further points throughout the film.
The film continues to show Katie's battle with herself letting down her guard to Alex, his children and the rest of the community and her constant struggle to keep herself from her past, which throughout the film we see catching up with her. Safe Haven shows the the two, Katie and Alex falling in love and how both Katie and the Alex's children quickly grow attached to one another. Which is something which shall be shown within our film also.
Katie's past soon comes back to haunt her and Alex finds out the truth which is also what will happen in my story however it will be the other way round and show the female revealing the truth of a past (different to the past of Katie's in Safe Haven) and how the characters deal with the findings to conclude the story.
Me and my friends found the crux of the narrative extremely gripping which is what I want my audience to feel when watching my film. I found watching Safe Haven very useful as it reassured me that my idea was approrpiate and has the ability to be very effective.
Monday, 18 March 2013
What is a 25 word pitch?
This is a word cloud which I generated using 'Tagxedo' after enterring the key word 'pitch' and a website with the definiton on it. I chose to use it to see what key words it generated from the word 'pitch' in order to get an idea to explain it in a simplistic way. However I found it would be much more useful and understandable if I explained this myself.
A twentyfive word pitch is like the blurb of a book yet even shorter. It explains a very brief outline of the story without giving the entire plot away. The twist is it needs to sound enchanting and gripping so that a person feels interested in the film.
Below I have used 'Worlde' and I entered words which I think linked with the idea of a twenty five word pitch and in particular my film which is why words such as romance have been incorporated into it. I found this was a better choice to use as I was able to enter them myself and therefore could decide what words I thought suited what I was explaining best in a simple, eye catching way.
Below this post somewhere, there is a post which I created using 'Padlet' and used this website to show my initial ideas I generated for a 25 word pitch. This post contains many different pitch's I came up with however I am still getting verbal feedback concerning which is thought to be the most enthralling.
Friday, 15 March 2013
Treatment - Act 3
Nancy is still suspicious over what Will could be hiding but he has to go back to Afghanistan on a new mission and once again, Nancy is left alone, and this time sick with worry that the same thing that happened to Rafe will happen to Will. Nancy has nightmares again and often wakes up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. She goes months without hearing from Will and this worries her. Will writes to her but never gets any replies and fears that Nancy is moving on and forgetting about him without his frequent company.
Nancy is still teaching dance at her mother's studio and this is where she finds her happiness and feels herself again, when her mind is taken off everything else in her life. She continues to show an interest in one particular little girl who's mother is an alcoholic and often leaves the little girl, RUBY unsupervised and alone in her house. Nancy takes the little girl home from dance one evening when the mother doesn't pick her up and they ring the bell and knock for ages but no one answers. Nancy writes a note and posts it through the letter box to let the mother know that Ruby has gone home with Nancy and she puts her address and contact number on the letter also. Nancy and Ruby set up a tent and camp in the front room, Nancy asks Ruby questions about her family to which Ruby becomes distant and upset towards. Nancy see's it's a touchy subject and so they make cakes in the kitchen and then Nancy tucks Ruby into bed.
Ruby's mother doesn't call or get hold of Nancy but Nancy takes Ruby to the dance studio and looks up the contact details for Ruby's mother in the book, she finds a mobile number and tries to call it. A familiar voice answers and says 'Hello, who's this?', Nancy doesn't reply as she's in absolute shock. The voice continues 'Can you hear me?' 'It's Will Preston, JANE is unwell and unable to come to the... hello, can you hear me? Who is this?' Nancy hangs up immediately. Nancy leaves Ruby with her mother and say she has to go and tells her mum to try and get hold of Ruby's mum.
Over the following days, Nancy ignores all calls from Will, she calls in sick to the dance studio and tells her mother 'I think I've caught that bug going around'. Whilst she mopes about her house and visits Rafes grave Will still tries to get hold of her but Nancy won't have any of it. Finally Will gets hold of Nancy and they talk about the misunderstanding and Will explains how Jane is his ex wife and that she has an alcohol problem. Nancy then puts two and two together and is in shock when she realises that Ruby must be his daughter. Nancy forgives Will for not telling her and Will explains that he only wanted the best for Ruby and Jane had told him Ruby was with Jane's sister.
Will speaks to Jane who doesn't seem to want much to do with Ruby and begs if Nancy can adopt Ruby so that he and Ruby can take full custody over her. Jane only wants money for it and doesn't care who looks after Ruby.
Will and Nancy buy a house together overlooking the lake where Will grew up, Will gets a job as a painter so that he can paint the views and Nancy takes over the dance school when her mother retires. They take Ruby into their full care and hold a dance show in Rafe's name every year.
Nancy is still teaching dance at her mother's studio and this is where she finds her happiness and feels herself again, when her mind is taken off everything else in her life. She continues to show an interest in one particular little girl who's mother is an alcoholic and often leaves the little girl, RUBY unsupervised and alone in her house. Nancy takes the little girl home from dance one evening when the mother doesn't pick her up and they ring the bell and knock for ages but no one answers. Nancy writes a note and posts it through the letter box to let the mother know that Ruby has gone home with Nancy and she puts her address and contact number on the letter also. Nancy and Ruby set up a tent and camp in the front room, Nancy asks Ruby questions about her family to which Ruby becomes distant and upset towards. Nancy see's it's a touchy subject and so they make cakes in the kitchen and then Nancy tucks Ruby into bed.
Ruby's mother doesn't call or get hold of Nancy but Nancy takes Ruby to the dance studio and looks up the contact details for Ruby's mother in the book, she finds a mobile number and tries to call it. A familiar voice answers and says 'Hello, who's this?', Nancy doesn't reply as she's in absolute shock. The voice continues 'Can you hear me?' 'It's Will Preston, JANE is unwell and unable to come to the... hello, can you hear me? Who is this?' Nancy hangs up immediately. Nancy leaves Ruby with her mother and say she has to go and tells her mum to try and get hold of Ruby's mum.
Over the following days, Nancy ignores all calls from Will, she calls in sick to the dance studio and tells her mother 'I think I've caught that bug going around'. Whilst she mopes about her house and visits Rafes grave Will still tries to get hold of her but Nancy won't have any of it. Finally Will gets hold of Nancy and they talk about the misunderstanding and Will explains how Jane is his ex wife and that she has an alcohol problem. Nancy then puts two and two together and is in shock when she realises that Ruby must be his daughter. Nancy forgives Will for not telling her and Will explains that he only wanted the best for Ruby and Jane had told him Ruby was with Jane's sister.
Will speaks to Jane who doesn't seem to want much to do with Ruby and begs if Nancy can adopt Ruby so that he and Ruby can take full custody over her. Jane only wants money for it and doesn't care who looks after Ruby.
Will and Nancy buy a house together overlooking the lake where Will grew up, Will gets a job as a painter so that he can paint the views and Nancy takes over the dance school when her mother retires. They take Ruby into their full care and hold a dance show in Rafe's name every year.
Treatment - Act 2
Nancy's mother finally forces Nancy into attending a masquerade ball and presents Nancy with a glorious gown and mask so that Nancy has no choice but to go. Throughout the night Nancy's mum introduces her to different men who Nancy isn't interesting in talking to at all and is seen as coming across rude to which her mothers reply is 'Pull yourself together Nancy! There are so many fine men, why can't you give people a chance!' and then storms off huffing and puffing. Nancy's reaction however is just to shrug it off and grab a glass of champagne. Although, her mood changes when Nancy locks eyes with a familiar face as Will comes striding towards her with his recognisable smile. They talk all night and Nancy's mother looks pleased to see Nancy smiling for the first time since Rafe's death, a year ago. At the end of the night, Will casually asks Nancy if she wants to go to a banquet with him the following weekend as he can't think of anything more boring. Nancy agrees and spends the rest of the week planning an outfit for the banquet.
The following weekend, the two attend the banquet together and Will introduces Nancy to his parents. Will comforts Nancy and they reminisce over the memories they each shared with Rafe, and Nancy finally begins to feel herself again.
They spend their summer together and Nancy introduces Will to her parents. They spend it laughing about as Will isn't needed on duty all summer and they visit the lake where Will grew up and often sit by Rafe's grave to leave flowers and spend a moment.
Nancy is working as a dance instructor for her mother's dance school and even organises a dance show to be held at a large theatre near the dance school in Greenwich. She has become particularly attached to one little girl who's mother doesn't seem very interested in her and Nancy has noticed is often walking home alone and so has offered her a lift home. Whilst Nancy is busy rehearsing, Will using his artistic skills, designs the set for the show, and Nancy's mother designs the costumes with the help of Nancy also. They put the dance show in memory of Rafe and give it a combat theme.
However, throughout the summer together Will has been hiding something and although Nancy has been oblivious to this for some time, it suddenly becomes apparent.
The following weekend, the two attend the banquet together and Will introduces Nancy to his parents. Will comforts Nancy and they reminisce over the memories they each shared with Rafe, and Nancy finally begins to feel herself again.
They spend their summer together and Nancy introduces Will to her parents. They spend it laughing about as Will isn't needed on duty all summer and they visit the lake where Will grew up and often sit by Rafe's grave to leave flowers and spend a moment.
Nancy is working as a dance instructor for her mother's dance school and even organises a dance show to be held at a large theatre near the dance school in Greenwich. She has become particularly attached to one little girl who's mother doesn't seem very interested in her and Nancy has noticed is often walking home alone and so has offered her a lift home. Whilst Nancy is busy rehearsing, Will using his artistic skills, designs the set for the show, and Nancy's mother designs the costumes with the help of Nancy also. They put the dance show in memory of Rafe and give it a combat theme.
However, throughout the summer together Will has been hiding something and although Nancy has been oblivious to this for some time, it suddenly becomes apparent.
Treatment - Act 1
It's 2007 and the war in Afghanistan has been going on for a while and is at the peak of it's time. NANCY's childhood sweetheart RAFE, who she married 3 years ago and ever since is constantly being called back to serve the country at war is expected to be home. He's been absent from her for 5 months and the pair of them haven't had any contact for this time as Rafe cannot risk anything all the time he's on duty.
Nancy has been living, happily, alone washing the dishes at the kitchen sink as she longs for Rafe to come home. He is expected home today and although it's been a while since Nancy has dolled herself up, she has decided to make an effort to greet him. When Nancy hears the buzzer to open the gates go she rushes down the stairs to answer the door only to be greeted with a familiar yet unknown face. Nancy's world is turned upside down when the young officer, WILL breaks the unfortunate news to Nancy that her husband has been killed in action. Although he doesn't know Rafe all that well, he was fairly friendly with him and tries to comfort Nancy as much as he can. He doesn't stay for long and leaves unsure of how to react to Nancy's tears as they're only acquaintances.
Nancy's family and friends attempt to ease and support her. They try to take her mind off things by coming up with things to do and places to go and her mother constantly tries to encourage Nancy to go back to the dance studio which her mother owns and has done since Nancy was young. When the funeral comes round, Nancy notices Will there but doesn't get a chance to talk to him as he takes a call and leaves rather immediately. Nancy is told the call was from his girlfriend which makes her curious about Will as she finds him a bit of a mystery. She tries to get Nancy back into her passions and books a ski trip which Nancy gives her the money for and says she won't go. All Nancy can think of is Rafe and continues to have nightmares about what could of happened to him as well as dreams of how they used to be together and then wakes up and realises the reality.
Nancy continues to mourn whilst her mother attempts to get her involved with the dance studio and her sister invites her out with all her and her friends. Nancy ends up going and leaving early as she can't cope with seeing so many couples out together. Her mum invites her to different events and sets up dance events which Nancy doesn't take part in much to the displeasure of her mother. Nancy stays in alone and eventually begins working at her mothers dance studio but puts on an obvious front in front of all the young girls she teaches.
Nancy has been living, happily, alone washing the dishes at the kitchen sink as she longs for Rafe to come home. He is expected home today and although it's been a while since Nancy has dolled herself up, she has decided to make an effort to greet him. When Nancy hears the buzzer to open the gates go she rushes down the stairs to answer the door only to be greeted with a familiar yet unknown face. Nancy's world is turned upside down when the young officer, WILL breaks the unfortunate news to Nancy that her husband has been killed in action. Although he doesn't know Rafe all that well, he was fairly friendly with him and tries to comfort Nancy as much as he can. He doesn't stay for long and leaves unsure of how to react to Nancy's tears as they're only acquaintances.
Nancy's family and friends attempt to ease and support her. They try to take her mind off things by coming up with things to do and places to go and her mother constantly tries to encourage Nancy to go back to the dance studio which her mother owns and has done since Nancy was young. When the funeral comes round, Nancy notices Will there but doesn't get a chance to talk to him as he takes a call and leaves rather immediately. Nancy is told the call was from his girlfriend which makes her curious about Will as she finds him a bit of a mystery. She tries to get Nancy back into her passions and books a ski trip which Nancy gives her the money for and says she won't go. All Nancy can think of is Rafe and continues to have nightmares about what could of happened to him as well as dreams of how they used to be together and then wakes up and realises the reality.
Nancy continues to mourn whilst her mother attempts to get her involved with the dance studio and her sister invites her out with all her and her friends. Nancy ends up going and leaving early as she can't cope with seeing so many couples out together. Her mum invites her to different events and sets up dance events which Nancy doesn't take part in much to the displeasure of her mother. Nancy stays in alone and eventually begins working at her mothers dance studio but puts on an obvious front in front of all the young girls she teaches.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Costume Design
This slideshow represents my inital, most significant costume design ideas for the character Nancy. They show images of the deisgns in process and also the finished product annotated. These will be used by the product design team to generate the desired style and look I want to portray to my audience within certain sections of the film. I believe these are helpful to produce early on as this helps gives me a better insight to the story and the anticipated impression I want to give off.
Here are the images published separately so that you are able to view them for the amount of time you want:
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Feedback Post
I need to collect my survey results and evaluate them. I need to finish what I start
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
A Matter Of Life And Death
In my opening scene me and my group wanted to use archive footage however this would be copyright and plagiarism so we instead looked into other ways of getting across the idea we wanted to portray in a way we would have the ability to do so considering the equipment and time we have to prepare our opening scene. From looking at this scene in 'A Matter Of Life And Death' we thought that we would be able to construct our own radio scene within our opening scene by using the video above as a foundation.
We came up with the idea of having no conversation in the opening scene but showing a commanding officer driving to the character, Nancy's house and delivering the news, we thought that we could have the recorded radio of her husband trying to contact the control office over the top so that we hadn't actually explained the situation to the audience but it would instead be obvious to them as to what was going on. We thought this might be quite captivating and enticing for the audience as they would be watching in order to work out what was going on within the film and as you don't often see this being done.
Friday, 1 March 2013
I was influenced by many quotes which I had often heard on TV, and in general, and seen printed on pictures which you could find online. Here I have posted some of the images containing love and romance quotes:

Some of these quotes may seem cheesy but in different ways influenced my choice into doing a romantic and emotional film and also the story line which my film was to be based upon.
Some of these quotes may seem cheesy but in different ways influenced my choice into doing a romantic and emotional film and also the story line which my film was to be based upon.
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